I enjoyed this article, but I'm thankful to have had a chance to read the unedited version. It is nice to know that there are still clear-headed people in the world.

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Don't let them fool you! We, the clear-headed, make up the overwhelming majority.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Walter Egon

Nice read. With ya on the workers.

I like your blade holders, much more elegant than mine. I made a vertical holder for my blades with an all thread bolt in the middle with spacers between blades, fairly common around here for guys with sharpening services.. Unfortunately my sharpener passed away a few years ago. I also stopped using much also and that has kept the blades cleaner.

On the other hand teaching teenagers to work wood everyday they are more likely to damage our blades before they need sharpening so I just keep buying new. 😡

Hope all is well as can be with the family. Appreciate your posts every time.


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